My amazement came in the nonresident lines upon arriving in Istanbul. It was like someplace filled with Gulag caricatures, Borat look-a-likes, a multitude of Gypsies, and several Arial Sharons. I broke the rumble of the crowd when I laughed out load at a grumpy Brezhnev looking guy in the next aisle, who was told remove his Russian fur hat in front of the immigration desk. He quickly grabbed his hat, snapped to attention, and gave a cheesy smile to the guy behind the desk. It must have been the unkempt hair but moreover, a visual of this cultural mix. I had thoughts of the Kurdish victims of Saddam and now, the Chechnya rebels, and the many republics that came from the breakup of the USSR. Was this the Ottoman Empire?
Above all, I knew there was much to be learned about the people in this foreign land.