Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Children Incorporated

I am certain we have all wondered about the Sunday morning infomercials from the Christian Children’s Fund. There are many looking for our bleeding hearts and pockets in that God-forsaken Third World. I was never much for organized religion so I selected Children Incorporated many years ago. I sent my twelve dollars a month directed to Gloria in Guatemala and received pictures and hand-made Christmas cards. After the second year, I received a letter that Gloria had moved away and my new benefactor would be eight-year-old Silvia. This made it more real and I was encouraged. I submitted additional gifts and received pleasant thank you notes.
My plans for returning to Brazil were coming about so I booked a stopover in Guatemala City. My pronouncement by telephone to the president of Children Inc. was met with encouragement. What an amazing sojourn! I arrived mid-morning, rented a car, and miraculously found their little school. Contributions were going for her schooling. Here I met a devoted trio of teachers working with fifty assorted students. Because of my visit, Silvia was the celebrity of the day along with her brother Luis. After an hour or so of indoctrination about the programs, the teacher took us to see Silvia’s home a block away. Modest and warm, the struggling mother of four in their two-room wooden structure was very gratified. At this, I thought my mission was accomplished but I had two more days before departure. The teacher suggested Luis and Silvia were free and I should not leave Guatemala without seeing Antigua. The following day was great fun pointing and grunting through our language barrier at sights of their ancient capital ravaged by earthquakes. Wonderful people in this marvelous country, it was a great contribution.

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