Friday, May 4, 2007


Being a major collector of art and artifacts of the world, my condo is starved for wall space. A mix of primitive and modern paintings, prints, and sculptures have a place on my walls and a growing number of earlier collectibles get stacked in the basement looking for another moment in the sun. One place on the main level is the ‘little room’ which gets little sun but many moons. How appropriate to place my collection of masks on this limited wall area. I found a little humor with so many eyes in a private place. No one had ever picked up on the theme until last week. My personal trainer and her friend were over for a drink after dinner. When nature called her friend into the little room, she came out suspicious of video surveillance but appreciated the artifacts. Three theatrical masks from Java are good temple pieces. Another from Korea and one from the Floating Market of Thailand add variety. The fertility goddess from Ghana is a wooden carving seated on the tank.


Nancy said...

"No one had ever picked up on the theme until last week."

Maybe I shouldn't have pee'd with my closed ... *smirk*

Nancy said...

oops...that should be

"pee'd with my EYES closed ..."